Start your AWS journey with a free licensing and optimization assessment. This offering, funded by AWS, are designed to help customers understand the economics of moving on-premises servers to AWS.

An AWS Funded Assessment includes the following:

  • A subscription for a 3rd party tool that will collect actual server utilization information. Multiple tools available.

  • Funding Optimus Group to perform all analysis and deliverables to you. We are an independent cloud services & licensing optimization partner, certified with AWS.

  • A detailed deliverable highlighting multiple cost analysis based on true consumption usage for rightsizing & migrating on premises servers to AWS.

  • Review of your Microsoft Licensing Statement to define your existing licensing use rights.

  • Microsoft software licensing recommendations for the most cost-effective way to license AWS servers (License Included verses BYOL).

  • Targeted workloads pricing options & migration plan analysis.

Complete the form below to get started

Our cloud assessments are designed to answer your most pressing questions while eliminating critical business and technical concerns holding you back from cloud adoption. See actual data driven analysis to make informed decisions when migrating to the AWS Cloud. Sample data in our deliverables shown below.